About Janosch


I am a PhD fellow at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), and a member of the German Expert Pool for Peace Operations (ZIF) and the Oslo Research School on Peace and Conflict.

I hold a Masters in Refugee Studies and Forced Migration from Oxford University and a Bachelors in Political Science from Humboldt University and Sciences Po Paris. From April to November 2016, I was a  a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies. While in New York, I conducted my PhD fieldwork with DPKO/DFS’ Protection of Civilians Team at UN headquarters.

While I am currently finishing my PhD, I have started working as a postdoctoral researcher at Durham University in a project entitled “Peacekeepers as Soldiers and Humanitarians: The Impact of Contradictory Roles and Responsibilities on the Protection of Civilians”. The project is financed by AHRC/FCDO’s Collaborative Humanitarian Protection Research Programme and entails research in DRC, Kenya, Malawi, Somalia and Tanzania (with possible additions).

I also have several years of practical experience in East and Central Africa with a number of international Organizations, such as the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and the UN Stabilization Mission in the Congo (MONUSCO).

Follow me on Twitter and get in touch via e-mail!

1 thought on “About Janosch

  1. Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Kullenberg,

    erlauben Sie mir folgende Anfrage. Ich bin freier Mitarbeiter des Hilfswerks ACN International. Wir unterstützen auch Menschen im Osten des Kongo, der von Terror heimgesucht wird.
    Gerne würden wir dazu für Mitarbeiter und Spender mehr Hintergrund liefern. Wäre es denkbar, dass wir darüber sprechen? Am besten wäre, wenn ich Ihnen einige Fragen zur schriftlichen Beantwortung zusenden dürfte. Ein vorheriges Telefonat wäre aber sicher hilfreich.
    Vielleicht haben Sie ja Zeit und Interesse.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Oliver Maksan

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